Alternatives 3: Payback By shannono ( and Brandon D. Ray DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Anywhere and everywhere, so long as our names and e-mail addresses stay on it and no money changes hands. SPOILER WARNING: Set one week or so after the events in "Alternatives 2: Obstacles," with various small spoilers for episodes aired up through "Tithonius." RATING: NC-17 CONTENT WARNING: Smut. MSR. PDA. CLASSIFICATION: SRA SUMMARY: Payback isn't always hell ... DISCLAIMER: In our dreams... ========== AUTHORS' NOTES: Shannon's turn: Well. We never knew there were quite so many smut addicts out there in fanfic land. And we *certainly* never knew so many people would resort to flattery, bribery, and outright lying to get us to write more, and faster. We're lovin' every second of it. And so, herewith, you have "A3," out on time but, unfortunately, not under budget, due to the untimely illness of Brandon's computer. But that's his story, so I'll let him tell it ... Brandon? *sniffles* My computer...*choked sob* DIED on me. It had to go to the computer hospital. It may not be back for a week. I don't know if I can live without it....Now I know how Mulder felt during Redux II.... Oh ... and, as usual, no marriages or other long term relationships were harmed during the writing of this fic. ;) And now...on with the show.... ============================== Alternatives 3: Payback This has got to be the worst airline experience I've had in my *life*. God. Just when I think it can't get any worse ... First, we end up on the red-eye back from Nevada, thanks to getting bumped from an overbooked flight. Nearly an hour in line and several badge-flashes later, we managed to snag these two seats -- at the very back of the cabin, of course, with the least legroom of all. Then THAT flight is delayed nearly a half-hour on the runway, and we're stuck in our seats the entire time. And, to make matters worst of all ... I'm as horny as hell. It's been nine days now since that night in my apartment when Mulder and I threw aside the rules and our inhibitions and took the first step toward consummating this relationship of ours. Unfortunately for us, when all the other timing was just perfect ... I was on my period. Big downer. I just couldn't do it. However, I didn't want us to put off intimacy another moment -- so I took another route. From his reactions, it was a good decision. We even made plans for the follow-through. "Next Friday," I told him, just before we both fell asleep. An interminable wait, partly to make sure I'd be OFF my period by then, and partly because I'd already made plans for a trip to the beach with my mom that weekend, taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather. For the next three days, including the aforementioned weekend, we made do with a nice little string of e-mail exchanges. Well, "nice" isn't quite the word for it ... let's just say we didn't dare use our work accounts, and I certainly didn't read ANY of them with my mother in the same room. So we passed time with that, and with planning our rendezvous. A night in a nice little cabin a few hours away, complete with hot tub, fireplace, and complimentary champagne. Reservations were made, brand-new lingerie purchased ... for me to wear, not him ... And then we stumbled into the case from hell. Six deaths in four days, all of them as brutal and nasty as any we've encountered in all our years as partners. I'm not going to think about it enough to get into much detail, but suffice it to say that, for the first time in my career, I had to stop not once, but twice, in the middle of an autopsy to puke my guts out. God. Needless to say, the case stretched on long enough that we had to put off our plans. The reservations were cancelled -- thankfully, in time to avoid any fees -- and the lingerie stayed in the Victoria's Secret bag in my closet, entirely- too-expensive price tags still attached. Once again, we had to let our personal lives take a back seat to our work. But it's over, thank God, another madman off the streets and, this time, an actual closed case. It's some ungodly hour in the middle of Friday night, we're on a nearly full plane somewhere over Iowa, I believe, and all I can think about is that we're supposed to be in bed right now. Preferably naked, preferably not sleeping, and preferably with me on top. After all ... he owes me one. I smile slightly at the memory. Mulder, sprawled across my bed, the covers thrown recklessly to the floor, while I touched and licked pretty much every square inch of skin on his body. Paying closer attention to some spots than others, of course. By the time I was finished with him, he looked like every bone in his body had been liquefied. Yeah, I *definitely* think I made a good decision with that one. We spent the rest of that night spooned together under the replaced covers, and when he woke up early the next morning to head home for a shower and clean suit, he left me with a parting shot promising payback as soon as I was up to it, punctuating the offer with a suck on my earlobe. I nearly decided to jump him right then, messiness and all ... But I didn't. We went with the weekend-away idea ... and now we may have missed our chance. To tell the truth, I don't know if we'd have been able to relax enough to enjoy it this week anyway. I don't think either of us fully realized how all-encompassing the X-files would be after we got them back. We've been stuck on scut detail so long that we forgot how *intense* things can be. I *also* should have taken into consideration what kind of bounceback effect I'd encounter when we got the files back. Mulder's like a man who's suddenly regained his sight and is busy spending every second scrutinizing the big, bright world around him. He's been up to his knees and elbows in reconstructed files and recovered evidence from the moment we stepped back into the basement late Friday afternoon, and I'm surprised we lasted until late Tuesday before heading out on the road. Now, finally, we're on the way home, and I've already argued Mulder against the wall about getting at least one full day off when we get back. I've got to get re-acclimated to this crazy schedule that used to be my way of life, and I'm determined to get one personal day before he's dragging me off again. I understand his enthusiasm, believe me. I feel the same way, for the most part. I don't begrudge him a moment of the past week, including the half-dozen arguments and that nasty autopsy with the maggots two days ago. Ugh, I promised myself I wasn't going to get into that ... Anyway. The X-files are his passion, and they're important to me, too. I, however, need a break now and then, something I don't think he's ever fully comprehended. He believes everyone else should be able to run on an average of four hours' sleep a night, supplemented by gallons of coffee, long runs, and junk food. But I just can't do that, especially after so much time away from that kind of schedule. Only a week back on the X-files, and I need a vacation. No, I just need a couple of days off. No ... what I *really* need is a decent meal, one good night's sleep ... and then an early morning rendezvous with the man sitting next to me. Something involving a soft bed, scented candles, and multiple orgasms would be nice ... "Scully? You okay?" Yeah, I just should have worn a panty liner ... "I'm fine, Mulder. Is something wrong?" "No, nothing. ..." Mulder sighs beside me, and I chance a sidelong glance at him. I haven't dared look at him since we finally made it into the air, afraid I'd start taking out my frustration on him -- undeservedly, despite the past week. Either that, or I'd drag his ass into the bathroom and join the Mile High Club. My little glance quickly gets out of hand, my eyes starting to wander up and down his long body. He's still wearing his "official G-man" suit of the day, minus jacket and tie, which are tossed over the back of his seat. His jawline is darkened with close to 20 hours' worth of stubble, his eyes are half-closed, and his lips are slightly parted. My gaze drifts down, taking in the vee of skin left bare by the three open buttons on his shirt, then goes on further, coming to rest at last on his lap. My, my, Mulder. You carrying your gun in your pocket these days? I pull my eyes away and stare out the tiny window next to me, a tiny smile twisting my mouth. A thought is forming in the back of my mind, and I take a furtive look around the darkened cabin. Looks to me like most of the other passengers are sleeping. Perfect. I start to turn back to Mulder, intending to feign a chill and ask him to get a blanket from the overhead compartment. But he's already half-standing before I can say a word and opening the door above us. Okay, unspoken communication is one thing. Telepathy, however ... Blanket in hand, Mulder clicks the compartment shut, then shakes the cloth open and sits back down. He turns toward me, then gives a lopsided grin and holds the blanket up. "I figured you'd probably be asking for it," he says, answering my question before I can ask it. "You usually do on the late flights." I feel a smile gradually spread across my face. "I was about to ask," I admit, reaching for the edge and pulling it halfway onto my lap, leaving the rest draped across Mulder. # # # Perfect. Absolutely perfect. I stand in the darkened cabin for just a moment and glance around at the other passengers, and they're all asleep, at least the ones closest to us. I take an especially careful look at the two businessmen in the row across from us, but they're both dead to the world, which is just as well -- one of them had been eying Scully when we first got on the plane, and is alive and breathing at this moment because I packed my Sig Sauer in my checked luggage for the flight home. I turn my attention back to Scully and see that she's looking up at me, an amused expression on her face. I give a rueful smile and hold up the blanket. "I figured you'd probably be asking for it," I say. "You usually do on the late flights." The slow smile I get in return would melt my heart, if she hadn't already done that nine days ago on her living room sofa. "I was about to ask," she murmurs, and as I settle back down next to her she spreads the blanket out over us and snuggles down against my shoulder. Absolutely perfect. I told Scully last week that I was going to get her back, and I've decided that now is the time. It's been a long, harrowing week, we've both been pumping adrenalin 24/7, and speaking for myself I feel more totally alive than I have in years. Scully's responsible for most of that, and now she's curled up half-asleep in her seat, her head resting on my shoulder, just as she has countless times in the past -- only this time I'm allowed to fully enjoy it. "Sir? Did you need something?" I'm pulled from my reverie by a woman's voice, and I turn to see one of the flight attendants bending over me, an apologetic smile on her face. "I'm sorry," she goes on. "I didn't mean to disturb you, but I saw you standing up a minute ago, and I wanted to make sure you have everything you need." I glance at her name badge, and then up to her face. "Thanks, Noelle, but I think we're fine," I say. I allow her a smile, which is not something I'm accustomed to doing, but somehow the last week or so it's been coming more naturally. "We're both just tired. It's been a long week." She smiles knowingly. "Newlyweds?" she asks. For just an instant I'm startled, and I can feel Scully stirring against me, ready to issue the rote denial that both of us have gotten so good at these past six years, but I beat her to the punch. "I guess you could say that," I reply with an embarrassed, affectionate chuckle. I can almost FEEL Scully's eyes widening as I go on, "You know how it is." Noelle nods, still smiling, and says, "I thought so. I can always tell. Well, if you're both doing all right Mr..." "Mulder," I supply. "Mr. Mulder, I'll just leave the two of you alone." And she winks and starts to turn away. And it occurs to me that maybe she CAN do something for me -- and for Scully. "Noelle?" She turns back and raises an eyebrow. I go on, "There is one thing. Do you think you might be able to track down some hand lotion?" She cocks her head questioningly at me, and I explain, "My Dana's a surgeon, and the soaps they have to use are a little hard on her skin. So I thought maybe..." I let my voice trail off. Noel's smile broadens at my apparent thoughtfulness. "Of course," she says. "I'm sure I can find something. I'll be right back." And she turns and walks away. Payback's a bitch, Agent Scully. # # # Stunned is simply not the word for it. Newlyweds? What the hell was that all about? "Mulder, what the hell was *that* all about?" He just grins at me. "All what?" he asks, trying -- and failing -- to affect an innocent tone. I raise an eyebrow. "Newlyweds, Mulder? A surgeon? Shall I go on?" His smile only widens. "It all depends on the perspective, Scully," he says mildly. And he slips his hand over mine, under the blanket. Why do I get the feeling we've got vastly different goals in mind for the rest of the night? Hmmmm. Now that's is an interesting thought. He did promise payback, after all ... I relax back against the seat and tilt my head until it rests on his shoulder. Softly, I whisper, "*Your* Dana?" He stiffens just slightly, and then his hand slides from mine and his arm lifts to encircle my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side. His lips touch my temple. "I missed Valentine's Day, Scully," he murmurs against my skin. "Be mine?" God. How can this man send me from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other without batting an eye? I blink back the sudden burn of tears and nestle myself into his side. I can't even answer, but luckily, I'm rescued by the reappearance of Noelle. "Mr. Mulder, I found some hand cream," she says softly, holding out a small tube with a smile. Keeping his arm in place around my shoulders, Mulder reaches for the lotion and smiles. "Thanks so much, Noelle," he says in his most charming tone. "Dana and I both really appreciate it." Noelle glances at me, and I manage a swift smile and nod, still not quite trusting my voice. When she's gone, Mulder drops the lotion in his lap, then finally extracts his arm from around me, reaching under the blanket to pull my hands out and laying them in my lap. He picks the lotion back up, opens it, and squirts a blob into his hand before recapping it and dropping it back into his lap. I frown in confusion. "Mulder, what ..." Before I can finish, he's picked up my right hand and is spreading the warm cream across my skin. His fingers press lightly as they move, working the lotion in thoroughly, massaging gently. God, this feels wonderful ... I guess that's the idea. Well. I have two options. Make some sort of effort to turn this back to my original plan ... or just sit back and enjoy myself. I'll take option two, I do believe ... # # # I think she's on to me. Not that it matters. Scully is cuddled up against my side, breathing softly as I work the hand lotion into her skin. Her hands are so small and delicate -- they were among the first things I noticed about her all those years ago when she first walked into my office, and I've always admired them. I softly and gently stroke the back of her hand, thoroughly exploring every square centimeter. I can feel the tendons, and the long, long finger bones that reach almost down to her wrist. Her hand twitches slightly as I touch the back of her wrist, but then I let my fingers move away, back up towards her knuckles. I massage each of her fingers in turn, not forgetting to pay special attention to the sensitive spaces between each pair of fingers, and also to the webbing between her thumb and forefinger. Scully shivers slightly as I touch her there, and so I spend just a little extra time and effort on that spot, stroking and rubbing all around the base of her thumb. I find myself becoming surprisingly turned on by all of this. I mean, I've been in a low state of arousal all week, but this....this is really getting to me, and I've barely even begun. Scully seems to be liking it pretty well, too, judging by the way she's pressing up against me and breathing against my neck, and of course that just makes it better for me, too. I want her aroused, I want her so turned on she can't even see straight -- and I want to know that it was me that did it to her. I turn her hand over and start to work on her palm, grazing my fingers lightly across her skin in a slow, slow, circular motion. Part of what I said to Noelle actually is true; I really do worry about Scully's skin, considering all of the harsh soaps, disinfectants and other chemicals she has to use in her daily work. Just about the only upside to our period of exile with Kersh was that she wasn't exposed to such things, but I know she wasn't happy. She's too much like me; she's never happy unless she's got her proper work. Her hands are simply amazing. Just the right amount of fleshiness overlying muscle and bone. I lightly trace the path of her lifeline, first out towards her fingers, and then back down again to her wrist. Her hands are so strong and sure, so knowledgeable and decisive -- it suddenly strikes me that Scully's hands are almost like a metaphor for her entire self. Everything that she is, everything that makes her Scully, is exemplified in her hands. I trail my fingertips one more time up and down her lifeline before I finally abandon her hand, and now I gently tease and caress the inside of her wrist. Scully sighs slightly and snuggles a little closer, and I can't resist the urge to chuckle. "Getting more relaxed, Agent Scully?" I ask. She doesn't say anything, but simply shakes her head as it rests against my shoulder, and I continue to stroke and tickle the sensitive patch of skin that I've found. And finally I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her palm before lightly running my tongue along the inside of her wrist. Scully moans. # # # I bite the moan off almost as soon as it starts, realizing suddenly just exactly where we are. The last thing I want to do is draw unwanted attention to us, because then we'd be compelled to stop. Mulder chuckles lightly, lifting his head from my arm and leaning across to bring his lips close to my ear and whisper: "Now, now, Agent Scully, do you want me to have to keep you quiet?" My mind quickly turns over the possibilities, and I manage to keep the next moan low in my throat as his lips travel down the curve of my neck and settle in the hollow of my throat. My hands move of their own accord, one gripping his left knee and the other settling at the back of his head. His right hand, I quickly realize, is skimming lightly over my upper thighs, brushing along the soft wool of my pants. For a moment I wish desperately that I'd worn a skirt today -- a short one -- but then his fingers deftly work my belt buckle, pulling the thin leather strap apart, and I realize it really doesn't matter. At this point, I doubt even a chastity belt would stop him. Not that I want him to stop. Oh, no. He can keep this up for the rest of our lives. His hand has shifted up, tugging the hem of my blouse from my waistband to allow him access to the skin of my stomach. I swallow another groan as he brings his other hand into play, sliding it down from my shoulder to skim along the edge of my breast. He keeps up this sweet torture for what seems like hours, one hand caressing the curve of my breast but never reaching the nipple, while the other traces soft patterns around my navel. I'm shivering already, and he's barely even touching me. And then he raises the hand under my blouse to cover my right breast, and my head drops back against the seat. # # # I think Scully's really starting to get into this. I know *I* am. I pause for just a moment in my ministrations to her neck and draw my head back to admire my handiwork. And Scully's beautiful; she's simply beautiful: Head thrown back, face flushed, eyes squinched tightly shut. Her lips are slightly parted, and she's breathing in short, irregular gasps. My right hand is still underneath her blouse, lightly cupping one breast through the thin material of her bra, and every time my thumb brushes against her nipple she shudders. But there are a couple of problems here. The first is that her blouse is just too damned confining, while the second -- well, we'll deal with that in a minute. One thing at a time. First the blouse. While continuing to lightly tease and caress her breast with my right hand, I send my left down to gather up the blanket and draw it up until she's completely covered from the neck down, gently but firmly tucking the corners in around her shoulders. Then that same hand dives back beneath the blanket and goes to work on the buttons of her blouse. Ah. Much better. I flex the fingers of my right hand, the one holding her breast, and then I lightly trail them across her skin, tracing the outline of her bra until I come to what is unmistakably a clasp in the valley between those two heavenly mounds. Scully's eyes are open now, and I can see just the slightest flicker of unease at things having moved this far this quickly. She opens her mouth as if to speak, perhaps to tell me it's time to stop, or at least slow down, but before she can get out even a single word I pop the clasp, and then my hand brushes her bra aside and my fingers close upon a bare nipple and give it a firm, delicate squeeze. Oh boy. Oh Jesus. Oh wow. That was better than I'd hoped. Pinching Scully's nipple seems to have set off a complex chain of physiological reactions, almost as if she'd stuck her finger in an electric outlet. One of her hands is now tightly clutching the back of my head while the other is digging mercilessly into my left thigh. The very tip of her tongue is sticking out between her lips, and she's biting down on it in an obvious attempt to keep from making any noise, and I swear to heaven her eyes are crossed. God. If only I had a camera. I move a little closer to her, and as I did earlier I slip my left arm around her shoulders, while my right hand continues to browse across her breasts. I realize now that I didn't give Scully's breasts nearly enough attention during our one previous encounter, and I'm determined to make up for lost time. And now for problem number two. Actually, it's a two part problem, part A being the inevitable one of height differential -- but that's just something we're going to have to learn to work around if we want this relationship to last. Part B, however, is more situational, and revolves around the self-evident fact that the engineers at Boeing did not have sex in mind when they designed the passenger seats in the 727. Necessity, however, is the mother of invention, and Scully is about as off-guard as she's going to get, and so without any preamble or warning I slide my right hand away from her breasts and down to her hip, and finally slip that arm under her thighs and scoop her up and into my lap. # # # Oh my God. I can't quite believe I'm doing this. I've never in my *life* had sex in a public place, and while we're not quite having sex, it's near enough. But it's been a miserable week, it's late ... and this just feels too damned good to stop. Mulder just pulled me into his lap, and it took every ounce of willpower in my body not to gasp out loud in surprise. That would have drawn entirely too much attention. He's shifting me around now, turning a little sideways in the seat so his legs stretch out toward the window instead of the aisle. I'm sitting on his left thigh, leaning against the seat, with my legs dangling between his legs and the back of the row in front of us. It takes me a minute to figure out that he's popped open the button on my slacks and is easing the zipper down. One corner of my protective blanket has slipped from my shoulder, and I lift a shaky hand to draw it back up ... just as his hand slips down to cup me through my panties. I bite back another moan and thrust my hips against his fingers, silently begging for his touch, but he responds by pulling his hand away. For a second I consider throttling him -- justifiable homicide, I'd say -- but then he redeems himself by dipping his head under the blanket and latching that wonderful mouth onto my left nipple. Oooohhhhhh ... mmmmmm .... Jesus, he's gooood at this ... His hand is in motion again, stroking my abdomen just above the elastic of my panties, dipping just under the edge of the cloth to tease the top fringe of the curls there. His mouth has traveled to my other breast, his tongue trailing slowly around the nipple without touching it directly. And then my stomach lurches, and I hit freefall for about a second before landing, hard, right back in Mulder's lap. # # # Scully's breasts God -- I'm licking Dana Scully's breasts. And I'm not just licking them -- I'm kissing and sucking and very, VERY gently nibbling on them. And she appreciates the attention. Boy does she appreciate the attention. I can tell from the way she's softly squirming on my lap, rubbing her soft round bottom against my erection and wrapping both arms around my head to hold it tightly in place as I suckle on her. I'm sure under normal circumstances she'd be expressing her appreciation vocally as well, but my Scully is nothing if not self-disciplined. Abruptly the plane dips and surges as it hits an air pocket, and I figure out what's about to happen just in time to pull my mouth -- and teeth -- away from her nipple. Scully is briefly airborne, then comes slamming back down onto my lap, and I guess maybe there is a god after all because by sheerest chance her center lands directly on my hard-on. Before I can even begin to consciously process what's happening my own hips are bucking reflexively and thrusting back up against her. I can feel her body quivering and shuddering in response, but still no sound escapes her lips, and somehow I manage to keep quiet, too. I pull my head back out from under the blanket to take another look at what must surely qualify as the eighth wonder of the world: Scully's face contorted in passion. She's continuing to grind her ass against my erection, her eyes once again squinched tightly shut while she chews on her lower lip, which apparently is her current strategy for staying quiet. I think it's time to finish this. My right hand, which has been resting quietly on her lower abdomen for the last several minutes, now starts sliding downwards. My fingers slip easily beneath the elastic of her panties, and in another moment my hand is gently cupping the center of her arousal. If suckling on Dana Scully's breasts was a profound experience, having my hand pressing up against her crotch while my fingers tangle in her curls is simply awe-inspiring. Scully seems to like it, too, judging from the way she's tossing her head from side to side and breathing in short, ragged gasps. My index finger gently nudges apart her outer lips, and God is she wet. Sweet Jesus. As my finger lightly explores her intimate folds her body shudders repeatedly and she tightens her arms around my neck. And then I finally reach my ultimate goal and she presses her face against my shoulder and growls. # # # Oh God. Oh God. How the *hell* am I supposed to keep quiet during *this*?? Jeeee-sus ... I don't have any idea how people can ever have sex in public places without getting arrested. Oh God ... Mulder's mouth has abandoned my breasts in favor of a return trip to my neck, but I barely notice the loss, considering what he's doing with his hand. Those long fingers are just perfect for this, gracefully dipping into my wetness and then running in tight little circles around my clit. He pushes his middle finger slowly into me as far as it will go, then withdraws it just as slowly and goes back in with two, thrusting gently in and out. Meanwhile, his mouth is drifting up to my ear, then across my cheek to my lips, which part instintively to allow him inside, his tongue quickly falling into rhythm with his fingers. I can't stop moving, grinding myself against his hand and mouth -- not mention his erection. I allow myself to moan into the kiss, the sound waves reverberating through our bodies but not escaping into the air. Still kissing me thoroughly, he slides his fingers out and begins to stroke the skin just above my vagina, and I feel an intense rush of fire throughout my body. Oh God ... right there ... yeah ... oh ... how did ... how did he know? No one's ever ... He presses harder, rubbing firmly in short strokes from clit to vagina without touching either. My hips are moving mindlessly now, and I've abandoned the idea of kissing him back, although his tongue is still exploring my mouth. I can already feel the climax building from my toes. A few more strokes, and his fingers are back inside, thrusting firmly and twisting just slightly from side to side with each plunge. My hips fall into his rhythm only momentarily before getting out of control again. And then he pulls out, and two soaking-wet fingertips fall onto my clit, rubbing firmly and without mercy. And my entire body convulses against his. # # # And her entire body convulses against mine. This is amazing. Just simply amazing. I've never seen anything like it in my life. If she gets like this just from having my hand on her, I can't wait to see the consequences of some of the other activities I have planned for the near future. Gradually she starts to come down a little, and as her body relaxes she sags towards me until she's just curled up in my arms like a rag doll. My hand continues lightly stroking her oversensitive center, helping her finish off as the aftershocks go shuddering through her, until finally she squeezes my hand with her thighs and I take that as the signal to stop. Her head is resting against my shoulder again, and her breath is warm and moist against my neck. I feel a slight tickle against my skin, and after a moment I realize that it's her lips brushing my throat. And then I hear her voice, just barely audible, and she's simply murmuring my name over and over and over. This is by any measure one of the most profoundly intimate moments of my life, just sitting here in this airline seat cuddling Scully on my lap as she winds down from her orgasm. Last week after our first time together I did have some vague guilt feelings over not having given her the pleasure she'd given me, but if that night was anything like as good for her as the last half hour has been good for me, I guess I don't have anything to feel bad about after all. This is incredible. Unfortunately it's not going to last much longer, because I catch some movement out of the corner of my eye, and glancing up I see our old friend Noelle gradually working her way down the aisle in our direction. We must be getting ready to land, because she's stopping to speak to some of the passengers, and I can see people on the aisle stretching and reaching for their seatbelts. I turn back to Scully and press my lips against her forehead before saying, "Hey, love..." And my throat suddenly constricts and I feel a tremor pass from my body to hers and then back again as I realize that this is the first time either of us have used that particular word in this particular context. I clear my throat and try again. "Company's coming, love." There, I said it again. Scully's head lifts from my shoulder and she looks up at me a little blearily. "I think we're about to land," I add, and she smiles sleepily and nods, and I just can't resist giving her one more kiss, even as my hand slips out of her pants and starts re-buttoning her blouse. # # # It takes until Mulder's refastened two buttons for me to realize exactly what's going on. I'm half-undressed, still sitting in his lap, and the flight attendant -- Noelle -- is slowly but steadily making her way toward us. Comprehension spurs me to action, and I gently move Mulder's hands away and finish refastening my clothes, not bothering to tuck my blouse back in. The wet crotch of my panties is quickly growing cold and uncomfortable, but it's a feeling I think I can live with for a while. Bracing a hand on the edge of the seat, I slide off of Mulder and back into my own place, shrugging the blanket off in the process. Mulder has a small smile on his face as he loosely refolds the cloth and rises -- a bit uncomfortably, I notice -- to stuff it back into the overhead compartment ... and if I didn't know better I'd say those were tears I saw in his eyes. Come to think of it ... maybe they were ... //... love ...// I smooth my hands over my clothes and hair, taking several deep breaths to slow my still-pounding heart, then reach for my seat belt. I fumble with the clasp, my hands still a little shaky ... ... and Mulder's hands cover mine, sliding the belt into place. He lingers there, his hands wrapped around mine, and I lift my face to look at him. His eyes are still soft, but I spy the mischievious twinkle deep inside just before he speaks: "So ... does that qualify us for the Mile High Club?" he asks, in a low, mildly teasing tone. Despite my best efforts, I feel the grin breaking across my face. "I don't know, Mulder," I reply lightly. "I mean, if there's no penetration, it probably doesn't qualify." He shrugs. "Only one way to find out," he says, then turns toward Noelle, who's at the row in front of us. "Noelle?" he says. "We have a question ..." It's all I can do to keep from clapping one hand over his mouth to shut him up. Instead, I hiss out, "Mulder!" Noelle's smiling as she turns in our direction. "What can I help you with, Mr. Mulder?" she asks. "Actually," I jump in quickly, using my sweetest tone of voice, "we were just wondering how long we had before we land. *My Fox* was just about to use the restroom ..." I can practically feel Mulder's chagrin, although I'm not sure if it's from what I said, or the fact that I used his first name. I don't dare look at him, but I'm concentrating so hard not to that I barely register Noelle's reply that it'll be just a few minutes and he should wait until we're on the ground. Finally, Noelle turns to speak to the men across the aisle, and I chance a quick look at Mulder. He's staring at me, his face is a mixture of shock and embarrassment, and he says, "Care to explain *that*, Agent Scully? I give a slow, lazy grin, lean back against my seat and close my eyes, and murmur, "Payback's a bitch, isn't it, Agent Mulder?" # END #