TITLE: Act of Acceptance SPOILER WARNING: Fire; Duane Barry/Ascension; Irresistible; The End RATING: NC-17, for explicit sex. CONTENT WARNING: Male and female created He them. Got it? CLASSIFICATION: SRA; MSR SUMMARY: Mulder finds himself in deep depression in the aftermath of a case, and Scully must find a way to comfort him. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a companion piece to "Act of Faith". I don't think you need to have read that one in order to get this one, but it would probably add some nuance. All you really need to know is that M&S are already involved in a romantic relationship, which has been going on for several months now. DEDICATION: To Shannon, who emailed me about "Acts of Faith", gave me the confidence to attempt this companion piece, and helped me work out what this story ought to be about. Act of Acceptance by Brandon D. Ray I've failed her. I'm her partner. I'm supposed to watch her and cover her back. She's supposed to be able to trust me, she's supposed to be able to depend on me to guard her and keep her safe. And I've failed her. Again. I draw my knees up a little closer to my chest. I am curled in a tight ball on the bed in our motel room. The lights are out, and it's night, so the room is totally black. Nothing to see. Nothing to interfere with the images the continue to flash within my mind. It was supposed to be a routine investigation. Another serial killer, this one stalking the streets of Des Moines. Seven deaths in as many months, and always at the full moon. We had been requested by the VCU -- me for my alleged profiling skills, and Scully for a reason which those bastards chose not to disclose to us. Not that we would have refused if they had told us. Scully's professional pride would not have allowed it. We arrived in Des Moines in late afternoon, and to save a little time we separated: Scully to the motel to get us checked in, and me to the local sheriff's office, where the Bureau had established a temporary office. I remember exactly when I realized what they had done to us. I was sitting in a rickety folding chair in the conference room which had been appropriated for our use, reviewing the case file. I wasn't supposed to meet Scully for dinner for another hour yet, and so I had plenty of time. I remember wondering for perhaps the hundredth time why they hadn't faxed this to us, or emailed it, but then I turned a page, and suddenly I knew. The son of a bitch liked redheads. Petite, female redheads in their late 20s or early 30s. I sat in that chair looking at the photographs of his seven victims, and every last one of them.... I felt my gut churning as I stared at the file, and I felt the panic rising in my chest. Those motherfucking sons of bitches had really done it this time. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what their plan was: They wanted to use Scully as bait. They wanted to put her on the street, apparently alone and unguarded, and wait for the next full moon. Which was tonight. The next thing I remember is holding my cell phone to my ear and listening to the ring ring ring at the other end. Come on, Scully, pick up. Pick up, dammit! I have to talk to you, I have to hear your voice, I have to know you're okay. Scully! Pick up! Fuck! She could have been in the shower. Her phone's battery could have died. She could have been stuck in heavy traffic, unable to take her attention from the road. But in my heart, I knew. The drive to the motel is a blank to me. I remember nothing, and I mean nothing -- that twenty minutes has simply been excised from my life. One moment I was sitting in the conference room, listening to the ringing of her phone, and the next I was jamming on my brakes in the parking lot of the motel, hurling myself from the car, diving across the parking lot, slamming my shoulder against the door to our room, falling to my knees as it burst open.... And Scully was there. Her clothes were torn, her beautiful face was bruised and blood trickled from the corner of her mouth as she lowered her weapon away from me. And for a timeless interval all that registered with me was that she was alive. She was alive. She was alive. And the suspect was lying dead on the floor at her feet. The bastards' plan had worked. It had almost worked too well. Somehow the motherfucker had known we were coming. He must have known. He had picked us up at the airport and followed her here, and when she was alone he moved in.... And I failed her. I should have been there. I should have been watching her, guarding her, doing my job as her partner, her friend, her lover. But I failed her. It's cold in this room. So very, very cold. So dark. So lonely. Like a morgue. I left her at the emergency room. I couldn't stay; I couldn't stand it. I couldn't be there while they examined her and treated her injuries, knowing that I was to blame for them. And I knew I didn't dare be present when the ASAC finally caught up with us. I knew that if I saw that man in my current state of mind, I would try to kill him. So I left her. And yes, in so doing I failed her yet again. I hear the door to the outside open and close -- the door which through some miracle was not damaged when I forced it open two hours ago. The door opens and closes, and I know she must be here. My body tenses, lying there on the bed, and I wait in silent agony to see what she will do and say. She has every right to be angry; she has every right to be furious and hurt and disappointed. I have done nothing right today, and I deserve only her rage and her contempt and her pity. "Mulder?" I hear a soft rustling noise, and then the bed creaks as she sits down on it next to me. "Mulder? It's me. It's Scully." Her voice is very soft, and if I were not so sure that she must hate me for what I've done, I might think that it was gentle. But I know better. I know better. "Mulder. Mulder, please come out." Come out and face the music. Come out and accept your punishment. Come out and take what you deserve. Something touches my cheek, soft as a feather, and I realize it's her hand. I jerk my head away, rejecting her touch. I am unclean, dirty, and I will not allow it to soil her. I've done enough to her already. Silence falls in the darkened motel room. If I listen carefully I can hear her breathing as she sits on the bed next to me. I wish that she would yell at me; I wish that she would scream at me; I wish that she would punish me and hurt me. But still she sits there, quietly breathing, not saying anything. And so I wait. Her voice, when it comes, is still soft and gentle, and her words make my heart ache, even though I know that they're true. "Mulder, this isn't going to work." I know that, Scully. I know it isn't going to work. I figured that out while I was lying here waiting for you to return. It isn't going to work, and that's okay. I thought I could be more than your partner, more than your friend. I thought I could love you and let you love me. But I should have known better. I shouldn't have exposed you to that. Everyone who I have ever loved has wound up getting hurt, and now it's happened to you. God, as if Duane Barry and Donnie Pfaster and all the others weren't enough of a warning.... She moves a little closer to me on the bed. "No, Mulder. I know what you're thinking, but that's not what I meant. You are the only stability in my life; the only thing that keeps me going. I love you, and I know you love me, and I'm not going to let you use this to hurt yourself. That's what isn't going to work, Mulder. That's what I meant." Dammit, Scully, don't do this to me! Why can't you take the warning, accept the wake up call, and get out? All I've ever brought you are fear and suffering and pain. You've nearly died so many times in the past five years, and always because of me. Always because of me. Get out, Scully. Get out and get the hell away: Away from the Bureau, away from the fear, away from me. Get out. I feel the mattress shift again, and now she's lying next to me and spooning herself around me from behind as she whispers softly in my ear. "I'm not going anywhere, Mulder. You're not getting rid of me this easily. We've both been through too much, and we've waited too long to allow something like this to come between us. I won't let you go, no matter what." I want to pull away from her, I want to keep my distance so my filth won't get on her, but somehow I'm unable to move. Her arms are wrapped around me, and she's gently stroking me, touching me, petting me. I feel her breath against my neck, and it's familiar and friendly and comforting. And slowly, so very slowly and gradually, I begin to relax, just a little. "That's right, Mulder," she says. "That's right. You need to relax. You need to come down a little. Just come down, Mulder; just come back to me. Just let the tension go, just let me hold you for a little while. Just for a little while, Mulder. Just for a little while." And her hands continue to stroke me, touch me, pet me, and I feel myself relaxing just a little bit more. And then without warning things just start bubbling up inside me. All the pain, all the fear, all the guilt, everything I've been holding tightly down inside since I realized this afternoon what those bastards had done to us, everything just comes pouring up and out, and my body is wracked with sobs and spasms, and I'm jerking and heaving and cramping, and I can't stop it I can't stop it I can't stop it and the tears are hot, so hot they burn my eyes and my cheeks.... And Scully is still there, still holding on to me, even as my body spasms in her arms. And she's talking to me, and her voice is so low, so soft, so loving. I don't even hear the words, I don't know what she's saying, but the words don't matter, all that matters is the delicate, gentle tone, the warmth of her body, the comfort of her arms around my waist, holding me, loving me, grounding me.... Finally I run down. I don't know how long that lasted; I have no concept of the passage of time. But it doesn't really matter, because it's over now. It's over, and Scully is still here with me, still holding me, still touching me, still talking to me. "It's okay, Mulder; it's okay. It's over now, and I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere; I think you know that by now. I'll always be here; I'll always be with you. Forever, Mulder. Forever." And her hands are still touching me, and her arms are still around me, and her breath is still soft and warm against the back of my neck as she whispers my name over and over and over. And finally, at long, long last, I feel my body truly and completely relax, as I give up my battle against Scully, and allow her to begin to care for me and comfort me. "That's right, Mulder." Her voice; her touch; her warmth. "That's right. Just relax and let me help you. I want to help you; I want to take care of you, and make you better. That's right. Relax." And now she's shifting her position on the bed, and with gentle, loving hands she's arranging my body, drawing me out of that tight little ball, stretching out my legs, rolling me onto my back, uncrossing my arms and laying them straight down at my sides. And then she stretches out on top of me and rests her head against my chest, covering me like a warm, living blanket. # # # I must have drifted off for awhile, but whether it was to sleep or to some sort of fugue is impossible to say. Now I am awake again, gradually becoming aware of my surroundings, and the first thing that impinges on my consciousness is that something has changed. Something is different. Something is missing. I don't know what it is, but something is missing. Scully. My eyes fly open, and I struggle into a sitting position and look wildly around the room, but it's still dark and I'm unable to make out much of my surroundings. The lost and terrified part of my mind, the part that knows how horribly pathetic and unworthy I truly am, is certain that she has finally come to her senses and has gone, and takes satisfaction in the fact that her apparent loving gentleness was only a ruse, a trick. Now she's gone, gone for good, and at last I can be alone with myself, alone with the only person who deserves all the pain and suffering that seems to follow me everywhere I go. Alone. I'm finally alone. My body starts to shake, and even as the lost and terrified part of me exults in this new desolation, the other part of me, the part that always reaches out to Scully, is crushed and wounded and in despair. Did I really think she loved me? Did I really think she would stay with me, be with me, care for me? Did I think she would even be able to stand the sight of me after all the things I've done to her? Could I really have been that stupid and gullible? And I draw my knees up and bury my face against them, but I don't allow myself to cry. Crying might be cathartic. Crying might ease my pain, and I cannot allow that to happen. I cannot. And then I feel the bed shift, and once again her arms are sliding around my waist, and I suddenly realize that I'm no longer wearing any clothes, Scully must have undressed me while I was asleep, and now I feel the warmth of her bare skin against mine as she gently guides me back down onto the bed, all the while whispering to me as her hands stroke and caress and touch my arms and chest and shoulders. "It's okay, Mulder; it's okay. I'm still here. I didn't leave you; I would never leave you. You were asleep, you were resting, and I just needed to get up for a minute and use the bathroom. It was just for a minute, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I should have realized that you'd notice I was gone and wake up again. I'm sorry, Mulder; I'm so sorry." And her hands continue to touch and stroke and pet me, but even as I feel my body start to relax again, even as the warmth of her body starts to seep into mine, the other part of me, the haunted part, is watching her, wary and defensive, waiting for the next sign of her true feelings. "We'll take all the time we need, Mulder," she says. "We'll take all the time we need. I'm here, and I'm not going to leave you. I know I made a mistake just now, I know I hurt you by not being here when you woke up, but that's all it was -- a mistake. Just a mistake, Mulder; just a mistake. I love you and I'm committed to you. I made that decision a long time ago, and nothing can make me take it back. Not even you can make me take it back, Mulder; not even you." I feel myself -- not just my body, but myself -- relaxing further, as she continues to touch and caress me with her hands and her words and her presence. And Scully moves closer to me on the bed, and now her body is pressed against mine from head to toe, bare skin to bare skin. She's so soft and warm, and her hands tracing patterns across my chest and shoulders are so gentle and tender. I can't believe this is happening; no one has ever been like this to me; the mere presence of another human being has never been this comforting, this calming. Scully has cast a spell over me; she truly has. And although a small part of me continues to quake in terror at the implications of that, the rest of me is reveling in it, bathing in her warmth and love and concern. If I can just surround myself by her, if I can just get all the way inside her, then maybe I can finally be clean. Maybe I can finally wash off all the accumulated filth and grime. Maybe...maybe...maybe.... "Mulder," she says, and her voice is still so very soft. "Mulder, I'd like to do something for you. I'd like to do something that will make you feel better. I'd like to bathe you. Will you let me do that for you? Will you allow me to do that?" I feel tears forming in my eyes as the meaning of her words filters through. She wants to care for me. She really, really wants to care for me. I don't know if I can accept that, although dear God I want to. I've wanted this, needed this, needed someone to care for me for so very long. So very long. But I don't dare accept it; I can't possibly accept it. I don't deserve it; I'm not worth it. I'm broken, and all the care in the world can't fix me. Nothing can fix me. But I'm so selfish, so very selfish, that I want her to try. Please, God, let her try. She must be reading my emotions on my face; somehow, even in the dark, she can tell what I'm thinking. Because the next thing she says is, "Okay, Mulder. Okay. I have to get up for just a minute, but I'm only going to get the things I need for your bath. I'll be right back." And she moves on top of me for a moment and presses her lips against mine in a chaste, gentle kiss. And then she's gone, but somehow I'm not quite so alone as I was before. I'm distantly aware of the light coming on in the bathroom, and then I hear water running, and before I really have time to miss her she's back, and she's sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me again. And for just a moment the room is quiet, still and dark. And then I feel something warm and wet touch my shoulder. I jerk reflexively, but then I realize it's just Scully. Just Scully and a washcloth. Just Scully. And the washcloth begins to move, tenderly, gently, methodically, grazing across my shoulders, working first down one arm and then up the other one. Moving between my fingers, caressing my wrists and elbows, and finally coming back to my shoulders again. Then it's gone, and I hear a gentle splashing noise. And then the washcloth returns, and this time it's caressing my chest, and it's neither too damp nor too dry, neither too warm nor too cold. It's perfect; everything is perfect. It's just what I need, and somehow Scully knew. Somehow she knew. The washcloth moves down onto my abdomen, moving in soft, gentle circles, going lower and lower with each pass, and despite myself I feel my muscles tense. This is not about sex; it can't be about sex. God, Scully, don't let it be about sex; I couldn't take a pity fuck, not from you. Please, Scully, not from you. But I should have realized she would know better than that. The washcloth continues on its downward spiral, and finally reaches my groin. This is where it could go bad; this is where everything could fall apart, and trying to do too little is just as dangerous as trying to do too much. But Scully knows what she's doing, and she washes my thighs and penis and testicles carefully and thoroughly, and then moves on down my legs. I never thought it would be a relief to have a woman touch me there and not become erect, but as she moves away I feel myself sag down into the mattress giving silent thanks to God and to Scully that we've passed that hurdle successfully. The washcloth moves on down my legs, bathing my knees and shins and finally arriving at my feet. She spends a great deal of time on my feet, working the washcloth between my toes and drawing it across my soles, using just enough pressure so that it doesn't tickle. And then at last she's done, and the washcloth is gone and she's moving up against me again, wrapping her arms around me and pressing her body against mine. And I'm clean. I'm really clean. For the first time in years, I'm really, truly clean. The knowledge hits me like a hammer blow, and suddenly I find myself short of breath. This is impossible; this can't be happening. I don't get clean; it just isn't something that's possible for me. I shower and wash off the sweat and dirt of the day, but nothing can remove the stains that cover me, permeate me, pervade me. Nothing can do that. But something has. Someone has. Scully has. Scully. Scully. And again she's been reading my thoughts. "Mulder, I love you so. I've wanted to do that for you for so long, but I've never known how to start. And now that I've done it for you, I want to do it again, and again, every day, for the rest of both our lives. I want to bathe you and care for you and keep you clean. I want you to know that you're clean and loved and cared for. I want you always to know that, Mulder. Always." And she moves up slightly on the bed, and now her face is hovering above mine, and I can feel her gaze in the darkness as she looks down at me and whispers, "But I'm not quite done. I haven't washed your face yet." And then I feel something warm and wet rasping against my forehead, and a shudder ripples through my body as I realize it's her tongue. Scully's tongue. She's licking me and caressing me, she's bathing my face, working across my forehead to my temple, then slowly and thoroughly starting on my cheek. If the washcloth was intense and intimate, this is just off the scale. No one has ever done anything remotely like this for me. No one. Ever. I have never even dreamed that something like this might happen to me, that anyone would care enough to give me this. I'm stunned, in shock; it's just not part of my world, but it's so right, so perfect, and she's still doing it, she's going on and on and on, and dear God I love her so much. And now she's working on my chin and moving down my jaw to my ears and neck, licking me gently but firmly, cleaning every square centimeter of my flesh. This is so like the touch of a lover, but so different as well. In another context it would be incredibly arousing, but Scully seems to know just how to do it, just how to apply each stroke of her tongue so as to convey comfort and only comfort. Now she's down to the base of my neck, and I think finally it's over, the bath is finally finished. I'm so totally calm and relaxed now, and so totally comfortable, just having her hold me in her arms. And Scully raises her head from my neck and looks down into my eyes, and for a moment she just looks at me and strokes my hair gently with her hand. I can tell that she's thinking about something, but I have no idea what it might be. And so I just wait for her to decide what to say. "Mulder," she says at last, with just the slightest bit of doubt in her voice. "I have one more thing I'd like for you to let me give you. Just one more thing. Can you accept one more gift from me tonight? Just one more?" She searches my face, and there are question marks in her eyes. I want to speak, I want to tell her that what she's already given me is more than enough; it's enough to last me a lifetime, and I intend to do whatever I have to do to make it happen again and again and again. I want to tell her how much I love her, and that I'll accept anything she wants to give me. But I can't speak; I just can find any words, and so I try to project my feelings with my eyes. Finally she smiles, and then she nods, very slightly. "Okay, Mulder. Okay. I have one more gift for you, but I don't want you to misunderstand." And she leans down and kisses me gently on the mouth, briefly but thoroughly, and a premonition of what may lie ahead sweeps through me. This could be very, very good, or it could be very, very bad. If she's going to do what I think she's going to do, it would be so easy to make a mistake, so easy to step on one of the many, many unexploded bombs which lie hidden in my mind. All in an instant my anxiety comes charging back. I want to warn her; I want to tell her no; I want to protect her. Please, Scully, don't do this; everything is so nice, so comfortable, but if you try to do this I'll screw it up, I know I will. I just can't avoid screwing up, it's part of who I am, and you know that. Surely you know that. You're the only one who really knows me, the only one, and you must know that I can't do this. "Shhh." Another kiss on my lips. "Shhh. It's okay, Mulder; it's okay." And for just one relieved moment I think maybe she's changed her mind, come to her senses. "It's really, really okay. We can do this; we can make it work. You know I don't do pity sex, Mulder; I know you know that. I have too much self-respect for that; I respect YOU too much for that. I would never, ever make love to you because I felt sorry for you. You know that." Another kiss, this one longer and more intimate than the others, and her tongue swirls briefly into my mouth and then is gone again. "But this isn't pity sex, Mulder; it just isn't. It's comfort sex. It's comfort sex, Mulder, and that's completely and totally different. We can do this, Mulder; I know we can. Because I love you, and I know that you love me." And she kisses me again, and I finally feel myself begin to respond. After a timeless interval our lips separate, and she continues, her voice barely above a whisper, "This is for you, Mulder. Tonight is for you; just for you. Just this once, you need to accept without giving." And then she smiles, and there's mischief in her eyes. "Tomorrow morning, though, I fully expect you to fuck my brains out, okay?" Incredibly, I'm able to nod, just a little bit, and even smile. I'm actually able to give consent for this. And she kisses me one more time, and then starts to trace a path down my chest with her tongue, and the full force of my anxiety comes racing back once again. God, I didn't realize this was what she meant. I've never let her do this to me; I've never allowed her to put her mouth on me. I never even imagined that she would really want to, I can't imagine that ANY woman would ever want to. It's always seemed so impersonal; so degrading, and as her tongue continues to move down my chest and onto my abdomen, I flash back and recall: Erica Matthess, my high school sweetheart, who did this because it was a way to avoid fucking me; Phoebe Greene, who did this to keep her distance while maintaining the fiction that she cared for me; Diana Fowley, who did this and pretended to like it because she thought it would keep me from leaving her; The one prostitute I hired, all those years ago in Miami, who did this because it was a quick way to make fifty dollars; All those women in my videos, who did this because it was in a script and someone was paying them. And then her lips are closing around me, and I swear I hadn't even noticed that I'd become erect. And her mouth slides down over me, down and down and down, and finally I'm all the way in, and she just rests there for a moment, holding me in her mouth, and her tongue is licking and swirling around me. I feel a shudder race through my body, and then another, and I am shocked to discover that I am actually enjoying this. This is good, so very, very good, and even as the thought forms in my mind it gets better, as Scully's head starts to bob up and down, up and down, up and down, her lips sliding gently along my shaft, her teeth scraping ever so gently, and her tongue licking, caressing, exploring. God....this is so intimate; it's so wonderful. How could I ever have thought that this was degrading and impersonal? But I already know the answer to that question: It's because this is Scully who's doing this; that's why it's special. Because it's Scully; only Scully; never anyone but Scully. Scully who loves me and cares for me and would never hurt me or leave me. She's not like the others; she's not someone outside, not someone with her own agenda. She's part of me, she's essential to me, she completes me and makes me a whole person. She's Scully. She continues to minister to me, and now she adjusts her position slightly, and increases her pace, sliding her arms around my thighs and clutching my buttocks, touching and squeezing and caressing them. This is not going to last very long; already I can feel my orgasm building in my groin, growing stronger and stronger, escalating towards the inevitable explosion.... ....and she's still going, she's still moving her lips over me, taking my cock in her mouth, making love to me with her lips and tongue, and I just don't believe this, my breath is coming now in short, sharp gasps, and my pulse is pounding in my cock, throbbing and pulsing, and every nerve ending in my body is totally alive, totally aware.... ....and now she's brought one hand back around and she's cupping my balls, holding them, touching them, caressing them, and rubbing one finger gently against my perineum, while her other hand continues to squeeze and caress my buttocks, and dear God what she's continuing to do to me with her mouth I can't believe it I can't believe it I can't believe it.... ....and it's building and building and building, only a few more seconds now, only a few more strokes, and she seems to know it and it's affecting her, too, because she's moaning and growling but never once stopping or even slowing down and I hear someone calling her name, yelling her name, screaming her name, and I realize it's me.... ....and then I'm there and it's happening and I'm coming and oh God it's so good so damned good and she's staying with me as my hips jerk and buck uncontrollably she's staying with me and still holding me in her mouth and now she's sucking and sucking and sucking, taking it all, draining me dry.... ....and I collapse on the bed, spent, exhausted, and for another moment Scully continues to suck on my cock as it rapidly softens, licking it, caressing it, cleaning it.... ....cleaning me.... # # # I gradually return to full awareness. It's dark, but I'm not cold anymore. I'm lying in the bed, and Scully is with me, her arms around my waist from behind, spooning me and holding me and loving me. At some point she pulled the blankets up over us, and now its as if we were wrapped up together in a warm, intimate cocoon. I want to tell her how much that meant to me; I want to tell her how good it was and how much I love her. And I will; I swear I will. But right this moment I'm feeling just too damned content and comfortable to move or speak or even think very much. God, I love her so much. So very, very much. And she loves me. There is no longer any possible doubt about that. And she's humming. Fini