TITLE: Trojan War by: Kel Category: VH Rating: PG Feedback: ckelll@hotmail.com Disclaimer: If any of you believe I own the rights to The X-Files, please read no further. This story is way over your head. Summary: Some people have suggested that Mulder and Scully should use condoms. In this story, they do. It's short. Just read it. "Agent Scully, I'm not going to ask you what you're doing here, since that much is obvious." I turn around to face the source of the angry voice. I know who it is, but I wonder how he knew he would find us here. Walter Skinner, who was my direct superior until a few months ago. AD Skinner, whose fall from favor is due in large part to the activities of myself and my partner. But while I know his support for us cost Skinner whatever chance he may have had for advancement, my regret is limited because of one plain fact. What Mulder and I did was necessary and appropriate. Necessary and appropriate. Can I honestly say that about what Mulder and I are doing now? "Sir, this doesn't concern you," I tell Skinner, trying not to sound as stupid and embarrassed as I feel. "I'm still trying to run interference for you two," Skinner says more gently, "and you don't make it any easier when you sneak up onto the roof of the FBI Building and act like a couple of adolescents." Mulder, who has had his back to us, chooses this moment to turn around and speak. "I can't get this damn thing tied," he says, holding up a wet condom. To my surprise, Skinner leans in and takes it from him. "First of all," he says pedantically, "you made it too full. And second, I don't suppose you've had much practice." He snaps a knot into the latex. Skinner always looks so stern and unapproachable, but I think I see an opportunity here. "Thank you," I say, smiling at him. "I'm sure we could benefit from your expertise." "The real problem, sir, is that my hands are frozen." Mulder says. He's been complaining about that for the last twenty minutes, but when I offered to take over the job of handling the big fire hose, he told me I wouldn't be able to manage it. Not that he managed particularly well; we're both wet and freezing in the cool winter air. "Making water balloons is messy work," Skinner says evenly. "How many do you have there?" "Fifteen," I tell him. I bought the cheapest condoms I could find: lubrication was definitely undesirable, and we *want* these things to break. Eight bucks for the box. "Five for each of us," Mulder says, grinning boyishly. Skinner steps past me to the edge of the roof and surveys our target area. "The main entrance," Skinner remarks. "I guess that looks more impressive on the nightly news." "That's what this is, sir, a photo opportunity," I say. It turns out that Diana Fowley has a flair for publicity. She and Spender have invited a group of journalists for a tour of the Hoover Building. She wants to demonstrate how procedures and security have been improved over the last six months. "They'll be standing right there," Skinner says, pointing to the area just outside of the big doors. "I don't see how we can miss." As we watch, a group of people begins to congeal into a semicircle around the entrance. The photographers are shoving their way into place, and the cameramen are shouldering their camcorders. Then the bureau car pulls up; the divine Miss F has planned this for maximum drama. Spender gets out first and offers her his arm with a flourish. "I may puke," Mulder warns us. Skinner distributes the ammunition and gives us some hurried advice about spread patterns and timing. Suddenly it's his operation, and he is the tactician and the commander. "Sir," I tell him, "it's good to be working with you again." "Quiet," he says brusquely. "Ready. On the count of three..." the end